Patricia Rizo, originally from the city of Acapulco in the state of Guerrero, México, has made South Los Angeles her home and has left her mark as a Community Health Promoter. Patricia inherited the affinity for community building from her parents who taught her at an early age the values of leadership, service, and collaboration as they led the development of Colonia Jardín, a human settlement for the poor in Acapulco that expanded quickly. The fond memory of her parents organizing toy drives for the children in their town is one of the many exemplary moments that instilled in her the love for community.
As a young girl, Patricia set her sights on becoming a teacher, but later pursued a career in the medical field. After being on track to becoming a surgeon, economic hardships ultimately ended her career early and she went on to serve as a switchboard operator at Acapulco City Hall. Patricia later married and decided to follow her husband to the United States. However, it was a traumatic experience to Patricia to leaving behind her family and friends while struggling to find similar work in a foreign country.
Patricia attributes her ability to transcend adversity to the fierce spirit of Latinos and for the next 10 years she worked in the garment industry until the birth of her second son.
Patricia’s relentless pursuit of learning motivated her to get involved with a community center where she learned of the Promotores de Salud (Community Health Promoters) program; intrigued by the concept of the Promotor, Patricia quickly applied. In 2006, Patricia graduated from Esperanza Community Health Promoters training program and has since used her experience to work collaboratively with the American Red Cross, American Heart Association, UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health Program, and Vision y Compromiso to engage and inform communities on health and safety practices. Through her role as a Promotora, Patricia has been able to fulfill her dreams of teaching and promoting health while serving her community whom she holds deep reverence for.