Pays tribute to the women who populate the Mercado La Paloma. Restaurant workers and small business owners some, community workers and health promoters others. Strong and resilient women, immigrants most of them, who have managed to overcome personal and social adversities and build productive lives and raise families in a country where they are currently not welcome. The irreverent joy and overflowing optimism of the women of the market is reflected in the lively colors, in the exuberance of the flowers and in the popular sayings they prefer, and they are only comparable in intensity with the commitment they display towards their family, their work and their community.
Mujeres del Mercado, is an evolving exhibition that will add more portraits of pobladoras del Mercado in the future. This exhibition was supposed to open on May 10 at Mercado La Paloma, but due to the pandemic and social distancing measures it was not possible. Instead we bring this virtual exhibition of eleven portraits created by the artists and graphic designers Angélica Romero and Sandy Navarro, women pobladoras del Mercado as well.