Born in El Salvador, María Eva Guardado immigrated to the U.S. in 1981 during the Salvadoran Civil War. At the time, the waging war in El Salvador led to the terrorizing, murdering, and the disappearance of thousands of people as well as the destruction of highways and bridges. Eva and her in laws were forced to abandon their homes, personal belongings, and animals that they had worked hard for after the noise of gunfire rattled their sense of security and the fighting encroached on their town of Nueva Concepción. Soon after, with hopes of finding employment, safety, and reconnecting with her husband who had previously made the journey to the U.S., Eva was once again confronted with feeling of loss as she made the heartbreaking decision to leave behind her loved ones, including her then five children, sister, and mother, a tale too familiar to many immigrants.
Once in the U.S. Eva settled in East Los Angeles working multiple jobs in garment factories and warehouses, until she learned of the Mercado La Paloma. Through the support of a good friend and the Esperanza Community Housing, Eva applied to work at the Mercado and has been a part of the Mercado Family for almost 20 years. Eva’s work ethic and love for the Mercado reflects outwardly as she talks about the Mercado as if it were her home and treats everyone like her family. She continue to live in East Los Angeles today and proudly declares the Mercado as her home. Eva is grateful for every opportunity that had allowed her to provide for her seven children, 17 grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. If Eva’s story could be described in a few words, it would be a story of hard work, loss, healing, resilience, and kindness.
Eva, surprisingly, died on June 11, 2020. Her Mercado family still mourns her loss.