10AM - 12PM Heart Workshop, Taller De Corazones
We will be painting carved wooden hearts, alebrije style. Adults only.
Pintaremos corazones de madera, estilo alebrije. Adultos solamente.
12PM to 1PM Mariachi Arcoiris De Los Angeles
The world's first and only LGBTQ Mariachi Band.
1PM to 2PM Trío Tesoritos
Will be serenading mothers at their tables with classic romantic Mexican ballads.
Serenata a las madres en sus mesas con baladas románticas clásicas mexicanas
*There will be information tables on health, immigration and voter registration.
Habrá mesas informativas sobre salud, immigración y registración de votantes.
*First 60 mothers will get a free handmade crochet flower.
A las primeras 60 madres se les obsequiará una flor hecha a mano en crochet.
This event is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Comission.